A report by British Gas and housing charity Shelter has revealed 1 in 10 tenants had not had an annual gas safety check arranged by their landlord or letting agent. This is despite landlords legal obligation to ensure a gas safety check takes place every 12 months.
It was also revealed 1 in 7 landlords are not even aware that it’s a legal requirement to arrange an annual gas safety check.
Shelter Chief Executive, Campbell Robb says : ‘It’s absolutely vital that renters are aware of the need to get an annual gas safety check. Meanwhile, landlords need to know that gas safety is not optional. Failing to get a gas safety certificate can put lives at risk.’
This report really does highlight the importance of raising gas safety awareness, not just amongst landlords but also amongst the public so everyone knows their obligations and rights.
Whilst annual gas safety checks are a legal requirement for landlords it is also advised homeowners ensure their gas appliances are checked regularly to ensure they are working correctly.
For more information please visit the Shelter website by clicking here.